Beyond The Enemy Gates Ministries
The Vision
"To Challenge, Teach and Equip the Body of Christ to pray and to dispossess the enemy in all areas of their lives"

About Peter Momogos

Peter Momogos, founder of BEYOND THE ENEMY GATES MINISTRIES, became a Christian in 1990. After a number years in the ‘desert’. in 2006 and recommitted his life to Christ and has never been the same since. He resides in Ballito on the North Coast of Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. Peter began to attend every prayer meeting possible and soon the passion for prayer was born. The desire to teach prayer came soon afterwards as he observed that not many in the body are committed to pray and prayer being one of the key spiritual essentials to your walk of faith. In fact, the prayer meeting is just as important as the meeting itself. The #1HR prayer format is the format that he has prayed for the last ten years and it follows the correct prayer protocol. It has become Peter’s passion and desire to get every believer to become a prayer warrior in order to dispossess the enemy on all levels in the nation, in government, in the church, in our schools, in our universities and in their personal lives.
+27 (0) 82 922 7468

Peter Momogos' Testimony
Peter Momogos, founder of Beyond The Enemy Gates Ministries, became a Christian in 1990. After a number of years he found himself in the ‘desert’ and in 2006 he attended a meeting in Umhlanga and he has never been the same since.
God has given Peter a passion for prayer and he has been raised up as a prophetic prayer warrior. A number of years ago, God gave Peter the vision to teach prayer and over a number of years the detail of the vision began to unfold to where it is today. The vision is to take #1HRtheprayermeeting into every city and every nation.
I grew up a relatively quiet child. My father died when I was seven year’s old and this had a great impact on me although I did not realise it at the time. As an adult, I realise how important it is to have an earthly father. I grew up in an environment where many of my friends were fatherless and my mother raised us and did a sterling job as a single parent. We grew up very independently, streetwise and having often to look out for ourselves.
I was always ‘worldly’ focussed. I chased money for a period, thinking it would give me the satisfaction and peace that I was looking for. My biggest challenge since becoming a Christian was my thought life, which the enemy had major control over for most of my adult life.
After a period of hearing teachings on ‘strongholds’ and ‘fortresses’ that the enemy sets up in one’s mind and also on how to deal with the ‘strongman’ that controls this activity, I decided to pray and intercede in order to break the control that the enemy had. After a period of about two months, whilst at the end of my daily prayer session and praying against the strongman, the Holy Spirit prompted me to attack the enemy violently. I did so, very aggressively in the spirit and after a period of time, I was delivered! It took me a bit of time to realise what was happening.
What I did not understand is that it would take a major effort in order to maintain my deliverance. I was not too long afterwards that the enemy returned and I found myself in a position of going ever so slowly back to my previous condition. I quit the faith twice that year due to the immense attack and pressure that I found myself under. Fortunately, I never stayed out of fellowship, I was quick to repent and to get up and carry on. I managed to get understanding in order to obtain and maintain the victory after listening to a teaching on how to identify the triggers that start an attack. I have identified what precedes every attack that I have had and now once those triggers are set off, I know that I have to run, aggressively address the enemy, get the triggers out of the way and seek council if I need to.
I have had many encounters with the Lord over the years whilst in prayer, from early warnings, insight into matters that I knew nothing about, insight into things before they occurred and revelation regarding the plan and vision for my life.
What I have learnt is this. Watch and pray!